Highlights & Happenings

A recap of activities and recent events

Three jeeps on assembly line with numerous white males working on vehicles

10 November 2020
Edsel Ford is remembered as a forgotten hero of the allied victory

Two African American males carry the bench structure

06 November 2020
Outdoor smart benches allow Detroit residents to plug in for free, sit down and charge up to move forward

Beside filled grocery cart, person holds bag of oranges in each hand places them into Ford Motor Company vehicle with boxes holding eggs

19 October 2020
Drive-thru food pantry works with COVID-19 safety measures

Masked, gloved African American female wearing blue Ford Community Corps T-shirt holding small brown paper bags extends one into vehicle outside Ford Resource and Engagement Center

19 October 2020
Partners, distribution sites deliver PPE where it is needed

Dark blue 15 on light blue background with the word years underneath ford colunteer corps

22 September 2020
The history and evolution of Ford's employee volunteer network

Masked staffer beside table full of packaged masks, hands packet of masks to passerby with other workers behind table, other recipients walking away

04 September 2020
As the company's philanthropic arm, Ford Fund helped lead an effort to donate 120 million medical-grade masks to at-risk communities…

08 August 2020
Ford assistance package could reach $50,000 following massive explosion

07 August 2020
Ford Fund awards entrepreneurs grants of up to $30,000 at its Romanian resource center

07 August 2020
University students in Germany awarded grants from Ford Fund to support their social enterprise

06 August 2020
Ford Fund grants will boost essential services in the community

06 August 2020
Interns learn first-hand about Ford employees' commitment to community service